== Changelog == = 1.2.4 June 19 2015 = * Escapes all necessary inputs, urls, etc. = 1.2.2 April 1 2014 = * Fixes error on .org installs without JetPack enabled = 1.2.1 May 17 2013 = * Fixed a bug where header and background args were not passed to the registration functions correctly. * Updated pot file. = 1.2 May 16 2013 = * Updated license information. * Minor style adjustments in preparation for 3.6 compatability. * Uses small menu on mobile. * Ensures correct content_width when a sidebar is active by using init hook instead of template_redirect. * Allows the get_posts() results in content-gallery.php to be cached. * Uses get_posts() in content-gallery.php instead of get_children() to get image attachments. * Enqueues scripts and styles via callback. * Uses a filter to modify the output of wp_title(). * Updated comments in Jetpack compat files to point to live documentation on jetpack.me. = 1.1 Nov 5 2012 = * Fix i18n text domains. * RTL CSS overhaul. * Create more consistent rules for displaying category and tags on single posts/archive pages. * Add styling for HTML5 email inputs. * Make sure attribute escaping occurs after printing. * PNG image compression. * Remove loading of $locale.php. * Fix Google Fonts to check is_ssl(). * Replace #gallery-x ID with .gallery class. * Set content_width to the proper values for standard page width and full page width to fix tiled galleries. * Add function to reset content_width if user has activated the right sidebar. * Updated screenshot for HiDPI support. * Add Jetpack compatibility file.