Barnett Greetings 2021
Lee's mother, Kathleen, celebrated her 100th birthday this year. Because Covid was raging and vaccinations hadn't happened yet, we had to have small family gatherings.

On the left: Kathleen with her three children, Le Roy, Janet and Larry.

On the right, Kathleen with her sister, Charlotte; Charlotte's daughter Carolyn; and Le Roy and Dot
Left: Dawn with their two children, Jack & Celeste enjoying Lee's player piano. Middle: Kathleen with great-grand children. Right: Jodi with her two children, Rosie & Blaise
Get-togethers with Barnett families
We were all vaccinated and "boosted" as soon as we were able to be. We wore masks when out in public with "unknowns," indoors or out.
Jodi, an elementary school teacher, said it best on her Facebook page:
" Covid is not better or gone. Every day for the last 11 days, more and more Covid patients are entering the ICU and on ventilators. Get your vaccine if you haven't yet. ...
Numbers in the schools are also not going down. I think I've gotten at least 3-4 notices of positive cases in students from my employer (across the building- not my class)- If you haven't vaccinated your school age child yet- ask your pediatrician and seriously…
The Hospital and School staff are doing everything possible- and are just as exhausted, if not more, than when the pandemic first started. Back then we were sending snacks and notes to cheer them up. Maybe consider starting that up again.
The ICU rooms have been full nearly every day, and the non-Covid ICU patients are sometimes waiting (in pain) to get help from their nurse. It takes a bit longer to get help because the nurses are working SO hard, and have to change out of gowns/helmets/masks/double gloves/goggles/etc., then sanitize- just to go to the next patient. It breaks my heart because half of the people there don't need to be there."

Kathleen with son Larry and wife Patti; their daughter Laura and her husband David with their daughter Elle; and daughter-in-law Laura with her two daughters Paige and Kate. Missing is Laura's husband Scott, who was resignedly attending another loss from the Detroit Lions.
Left: David & Laura celebrating Elle's first birthday.
Bottom: Lee and Dot honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month with pink hair.