Ascetica Theme

simple blogging and portfolio WordPress theme

Ascetica is a spacious and elegant portfolio/blog theme. Best suited for bloggers who want to showcase their work alongside their posts, photobloggers, designers, and photographers. It's built on the Hybrid Core framework and inherits its professional and well-organized coding practices, making it an excellent starting point for further customization and development.


You may want to check the Theme Demo as well - it should help you realize what is possible to achieve with Ascetica and might even give you some ideas for your own blog.


Ascetica is based on Hybrid Core - a WordPress theme development framework by Justin Tadlock.

The theme uses a couple of fonts and scripts that are released under GPL-compatible licenses:

Copyright & License

ascetica is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL).

This theme is copyrighted to Galin Simeonov.