Theme Name: Gommero ======================== == Changelog == * Version 1.2.5 *************************************** 1. Popular social icon options added. 2. Few links updated. * Version 1.2.4 *************************************** 1. Theme URI and Footer links updated. * Version 1.2.3 *************************************** 1. Theme customizer sanitize function updated. 2. Added contact us link to customizer. 3. Removed unused codes from theme. 4. Added translation function for text strings. 5. Css file get enqueued using wp_enqueue_style function instead of adding using import. * Version 1.2.2 *************************************** 1. Theme option to WordPress customizer API migration. * Version 1.2.1 *************************************** 1. Theme check issue fixed. 2. All text domain matched with theme directory. 3. Language .pot file matched with text domain. 4. Use add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ) with after_theme_setup hook and removed title tag from header.php. 5. editor-style.css file added in theme directory. * Version 1.2.0 *************************************** 1. screen_icon() found in the file. Deprecated since version 3.8 issue fixed 2. get_current_theme() found in the file theme-options.php. Deprecated since version 3.4. Use wp_get_theme() instead issue fixed. 3. Text wrapped issue fixed. 4. Try to get the property of non object in gommero-functions.php, issue fixed. 5. Changes in style.css. 6. Added 960_24_col_responsive.css. 7. Removed front-page.php, used home.php instead. 8. Changed screenshot.png. * Version 1.1.5 *************************************** 1. blog.php replaced with a home.php template file. 2. wp_nav_menu() menu replaced with a theme_location. 3. Latest blog posts added on front page. 4. Option added for show on/off posts on front page. 5. get_option( 'show_on_front' ) user configuration issue fixed. * Version 1.1.4 *************************************** 1. Theme url changed. 2. Removed query_posts and used wp_query instead. 3. Removed wp_enqueue_script('jquery'). 4. Escaped all urls. 5. Option added for disable default front page. 6. Site title and site description added in header, if site logo uploaded via theme option, site title and description will be disappeared. 7. Removed analytic option. 8. All supporting function hooked into after_setup_theme hook. 9. Added plugins notification for recommends plugin. 10.Replace preg_replace function with ereg_replace. * Version 1.1.3 *************************************** 1. Logo should be generic fixed. 2. Footer link issue fixed. * Version 1.1.2 *************************************** 1. Undefined function error fixed; * Version 1.1.1 *************************************** 1. Fixed some localize issue. 2. Removed deprecated image_size function. 3. Added permalink to post thumbnail * Version 1.1.0 *************************************** 1. Custom theme background by using wordpress core function. 2. Theme style updated. 3. Removed @package WordPress 4. Code optimized. * Version 1.0.7 *************************************** 1. Theme style updated * Version 1.0.6 *************************************** 1. Facebook widget removed. 2. Horizontal Scrollbar fixed. 3. Sidebar Widget background doesn't align fixed. * Version 1.0.1 *************************************** 1. Theme style updated