Photolistic Documentation

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1. Setup The Media Sizes

It is very important to setup the right media sizes, otherwise the images might not appear properly. For example, the blog posts box has a width of 640px and this means that your images' width should be less than this.

Below, I have compiled a list of the recommended images sizes that are based on the Photolistic theme needs and the aspect ratio of most DSLR cameras.

Go to Settings -> Media and insert this values:

Recommended Media Sizes

Use the Medium size or the Thumbnail size when inserting an image on a blog post!

2. The Home Page

The home page is made of some stuff that you can customize. These are the header image, the featured text block, the featured posts and the background color.

The featured posts are general published posts that are in DESC order. This means that the latest post you publish will be the first one on the left side. You can also specify which specific posts you want there by stickying these posts. Read more on the featured posts section.

Changing the Header Image

First, make sure your image is width: 950 px - height: 350 px. If it isn't you must resize it and crop it on your image editor because the script doesn't automatically resizes the image.

Next, simply go to Appearance -> Header and upload the image and press Save.

Changing the Featured Text Block

You can change this text on the Appearance -> Theme Options. You can also use HTML links so it's recommended that you use this block to write something describe what you do and to link to a contact page on your website.

The Homepage Featured Posts

These are the small posts with the thumbnail that are below the big header image. These posts are the latest posts published on your blog. The latest one is the first one on the left side. Very important, if your post doesn't have a thumbnail (set via the set_featured_image option) it'll display one of the default thumbnails that ships with Photolistic, so always set a featured image on your posts.

You can change the number of posts that appear here on the Appearance -> Theme Options menu. You can also specify which specific posts get there by making those posts sticky.

The Background Color

You can change the background color at Appearance - > Background.