=== PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry === Contributors: amandato, blubrry Tags: podcasting, podcast, podcaster, powerpress, itunes, apple, apple podcasts, google podcasts, google play, enclosure, professional, apple, apple tv, ipad, iphone, soundcloud, squarespace, youtube, viddler, ustream, podcasting, audio, video, rss2, feed, player, media, rss, mp3, music, embed, feedburner, statistics, stats, flv, flash, id3, episodes, blubrry, mp4, m4v, wordpressmu, mu, wordpress mu, multisite, multi site, mediacaster, post, plugin, posts, simple, social, dashboard, TSG, Buzzsprout, MTR, WP-boxCast, CastMyBlog, tgs podcasting, simple podcasting, seriously simple podcasting, seriously-simple-podcasting, serious, seriously, ssp, podlove, podcast.de, clammr, clammr radio, audio player, stitcher, tunein, show, shows, series, docs, documentation, support, free, add-ons, extensions, addons, libsyn, libsyn-podcasting, podbean, podomatic, spreaker Requires at least: 3.6 Requires PHP: 5.2 Tested up to: 4.9.7 Stable tag: 7.3 Donate link: https://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-hosting/ License: GPLv2 or later No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress, with simple & advanced modes, players, subscribe tools, and more! Supports Apple Podcasts, Google, Spotify,.. == Description == No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress, with simple & advanced modes, players, subscribe tools, and more! [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twqKrVehY3o] Developed by podcasters for podcasters; features include Simple and Advanced modes, multiple audio/video player options, subscribe to podcast page embeds and sidebar widgets, podcasting SEO features, and more! Fully supports Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn and Blubrry Podcasting directories, as well as all podcast applications and clients. PowerPress users who use Blubrry Podcast Hosting may also [submit their shows to Spotify](https://create.blubrry.com/manual/podcast-promotion/submit-podcast-to-spotify/). = Simple Mode = If you are just getting started or feel overwelmed with all the settings and options, switch to Simple mode! PowerPress's Simple Mode will walk you through getting started in 3 easy steps. 1. Setup your Podcast quickly with only the essential settings 1. Create your first Episode 1. Submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts (previously iTunes Podcasts) When you're ready you can switch to Advanced mode to tap into all the options professionals would want. = PowerPress Key Features = - Full Apple Podcasts (previously iTunes Podcasts) & Google Podcasts support: Adds Apple Podcast compliant podcast feeds to your WordPress site. - Integrated HTML5 Media Players: Audio/video Web players with embed support from sites such as YouTube. - Subscribe tools: Create subscribe page with our exclusive subscribe shortcode embed and subscribe sidebar widget optimized for responsive websites, high-resolution screens and Apple Retina displays. - Podcasting SEO: Improve discovery of your podcast on search engines such as Google, and with the Apple Podcasts directory. - Podcast Importing: Import your podcast from SoundCloud, LibSyn, PodBean, Squarespace, or other podcast RSS feed. - Migration tools: Quickly migrate from PodPress, TGS Podcasting, Seriously Simple Podcasting, Blogger, or Movable Type without losing episodes. - Multi-podcast support: Create separate podcasts by category (Category Podcasting) or by media format (Podcast Channels). - Post type and taxonomy podcasting: Create podcasts from custom post types and taxonomies. - *Media Statistics: Get FREE Blubrry Media Statistics from your WordPress dashboard. - Multi-languages and locales: See [PowerPress in your language](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/powerpress-language/) for details. = Includes Full Apple Podcasts Support! = Blubrry PowerPress fully supports Apple Podcasts (previously iTunes podcasts), which is required for podcasting. PowerPress comes with the following Apple Podcasts specific features: * Apple Podcasts compliant podcast feeds: The appropriate tags are added to your feeds so your Apple Podcasts listing looks great. * Optimized Apple Podcasts summary: Converts your blog-post content to a format suited for viewing in Apple Podcasts ([learn more](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/powerpress-settings/itunes/)). * Tunes artwork: Upload and manage your Apple Podcasts artwork directly from within PowerPress settings. * Apple Podcasts: Fully supported, including the latest [Apple Podcasts specifications](http://www.powerpresspodcast.com/2012/05/10/itunes-podcasting-specifications-changed-may-2012-what-that-means-for-podcasting/). * Feed Episode Maximizer: Increase the number of episodes viewed on Apple Podcasts while decreasing the byte size of your feeds. = Includes Full Google Podcasts Support! = Blubrry PowerPress fully supports the newly launched Google Podcasts directory built into Google search, Google Home smart speakers and Google Podcasts Android app. = Integrated Media Players = Blubrry PowerPress includes extensive Web player options to display your podcast audio and video in your Web pages. * Audio players: Pick from Blubrry's Media Player, MediaElement.js, or the native HTML5 audio player. * Video players: Pick from MediaElement.js, VideoJS, or the native HTML5 video player. * Positioning: Position player above or below your content. * [Player shortcode](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/shortcode/): Place the player exactly where you want by adding the `[powerpress]` shortcode directly into your post content. * [Playlist player shortcode](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/powerpress-playlist-shortcode/): Include a playlist of your latest podcast episodes utilizing the `[powerpress_playlist]` shortcode in any page or post. * Embeds: Add embeds from sites such as YouTube. * Links: Provide download, play in new window and embed links. * Audio formats supported: mp3, m4a, oga (ogg audio), opus. * Video formats supported: m4v, mp4, webm, ogv (ogg video). = Integrated Subscribe Tools = A Blubrry PowerPress exclusive, podcast subscribe tools help you convert Web visitors into podcast subscribers. Subscribe options include: * [Subscribe page](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/subscribe-page/): Instantly create a subscribe page with simplified instructions on how to subscribe to your podcast using the PowerPress subscribe page shortcode. * [Subscribe page shortcode](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/powerpress-subscribe-shortcode/): Add the `[powerpress_subscribe]` shortcode to include a mobile-device optimized subscribe embed in any post or page that includes buttons to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, [Subscribe on Android](http://www.subscribeonandroid.com), [Subscribe by Email](http://www.subscribebyemail.com), Stitcher, tuneIn, Spotify, Google Podcasts, via RSS, and an special textbox to easily copy and paste your podcast feed into any podcast application. * Subscribe sidebar widget: Mobile device optimized sidebar buttons to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, [Subscribe on Android](http://www.subscribeonandroid.com), Stitcher, tuneIn, Spotify, Google Podcasts, subscribe by RSS, and a "more subscribe options" button linked to your podcast's subscribe page. * Subscribe links: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, [Subscribe on Android](http://www.subscribeonandroid.com), [Subscribe by Email](https://www.subscribebyemail.com), subscribe by RSS and a link to your custom subscribe page below every player. * Retina enabled: Subscribe button images optimized for high resolution displays including Apple Retina displays. * Responsive: Subscribe tools are designed for any screen and optimized for touch screens by providing custom buttons that are indrustry standard 48 pixels in height optimized for touch screen use. = Integrates with Blubrry's Services = Make your life easier by adding our FREE or paid media hosting and statistics services to streamline your podcast productivity. * Quickly access your Blubrry media download statistics from your WordPress dashboard. * Publish Blubrry hosted media directly from your blog. * View Blubrry hosting usage quota from your blog. * Configure how Blubrry writes media (ID3) tags within PowerPress settings. * Post your podcast to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. * Migrate all of your media at no additional cost to your Blubrry [Podcast Media Hosting](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-hosting/) account with just a couple clicks. The Blubrry basic statistics service is FREE. Our [Premium Statistics Service](https://secure.blubrry.com/podcast-statistics-premium/), which includes [Blubrry Certified Statistics](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-download-statistics/rawvoice-certified/), U.S. downloads, trending and exporting, is available for $5 month. Blubrry [Media Hosting](https://secure.blubrry.com/podcast-publishing-premium-with-hosting/) packages start at $12. = Advanced Features for those who need more = Want more? We've got more! With a simple click you can enable advanced features and options. Check out some of the advanced features: * [Podcasting SEO settings](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/podcasting-seo-settings/): Utilize the Apple and Google feed and HTML tags to improve the discovery of your podcasts and include the necessary meta data in your blog pages for search engines to discover. * Embeds: Provide embeds your audience can take with them (just like YouTube embeds) * Media size and duration detection: Enter your media URL and let the PowerPress do the rest. * Category Casting: Add podcast support to your WordPress category feeds. * Custom Podcast Channels: Distribute multiple formats (audio/video) and versions (short/full length). * Taxonomy Podcasting: Create podcasts for your custom taxonomy tag names including WordPress Tags. (feature sponsored by [AfterBuzzTV.com](http://afterbuzztv.com/)) * Post Type Podcasting: Create podcasts for your custom post types. * Premium Podcasting (Requires a membership plugin and/or roles and capabilities plugin to manage) * User Role Management: Control which users in your blog can podcast. (Requires a roles and capabilities plugin to manage) * Diagnostics: Check to see if your server is configured to support all of the available features in PowerPress. * WordPress MultiSite: Blubrry PowerPress is compatible with WordPress MultiSite and can be extended using the [Blubrry PowerPress MultiSite add-on plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/powerpress-multisite/). * *Supported syndication formats: mp3, m4a, mp4, m4v, webm, ogg, oga, ogv, wma, ra, mp4a, m4v, mp4v, mpg, asf, avi, wmv, flv, swf, mov, divx, 3gp, midi, wav, aa, pdf, torrent, m4b, m4r, epub. *Apple Podcasts only supports mp3, m4a, mp4, m4v, pdf and epub. = Migrating from PodPress or other podcasting plugin? = Switching to from PodPress to PowerPress is seamless. Simply enable PowerPress then disable PodPress and you're done! PowerPress will continue where plugin your old plugin left off by including your previously created episodes in your feeds and Web pages. Please see detailed instructions for migrating from [PodPress](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/migrating-from-podpress-to-powerpress/), [TGS Podcasting Plugin](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/migrating-from-tgs-podcasting-plugin/) and [Seriously Simple Podcasting](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/migrating-from-seriously-simple-podcasting-plugin/). Note: Advanced settings such as settings for podcast categories will need to be recreated in PowerPress. = Migrating from another service such as LibSyn, PodBeam, SoundCloud, or Squarespace? = Importing your podcast feed into PowerPress is super easy! Simply paste in your RSS feed URL into the PowerPress feed import tool and click import. RSS feed import works with any podcast service and includes additional options for importing from LibSyn, PodBeam, SoundCloud, and Squarespace. You can optionally migrate your media to your Blubrry Podcast Hosting account with only a couple simple clicks. = PowerPress in your Language = [PowerPress is available in a number of languages](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/powerpress-language/). Starting with PowerPress 7.0, translations will be managed through [translate.wordpress.org](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/powerpress/) making translations easier to setup and update. = PowerPress is looking for translators! = [Anyone can help translate PowerPress!](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/powerpress-language/translate-powerpress/) If you are intersted in translating PowerPress, please [contact us](https://www.blubrry.com/contact/#translate). **Translators will receive the following from us as a thank you for contributing:** * Free [Blubrry Professional podcast statistics](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-download-statistics/) account for your podcast. * Name or nickname in the PowerPress readme.txt and in the [PowerPress WordPress.org Translators list](https://wordpress.org/plugins/powerpress/other_notes/) (will give you credit for your contribution) * Website URL (optional, we will link to your website) Interested translators please [contact us](https://www.blubrry.com/contact/#translate), include your WordPress.org account name, blubrry account login (if you have one), your name, desired URL, and the language locale(s) you would like to translate. = Need Help? = . . . or have some ideas that could improve the plugin? * Visit the Blubrry [PowerPress Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/powerpress) and [Blubrry Resources](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/) * Use the Blubrry [Contact Us](http://www.blubrry.com/contact.php) form * Blubrry [PowerPress Documentation](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/) * Check out [The Podcasting Manual](http://create.blubrry.com/manual/) - everything you need to know about podcasting = Need More Help? = We now offer one-on-one consulting via GoToMeeting, Skype or phone. [Learn more about Blubrry Consulting Services](http://create.blubrry.com/support/podcast-consulting-services/) *PowerPress is developed and maintained by [Blubrry](http://www.blubrry.com), a podcasting company and community owned and operated by podcasters providing tools and resources for podcasters to measure, monetize, publish and host podcasts. Although we'd like you to become a member of [Blubrry](http://www.blubrry.com/createaccount.php), **no membership is required** to use this free open source podcasting plugin.* == Frequently Asked Questions == = Compatible Themes and Plugins = Most themes and plugins are compatible with PowerPress. PowerPress is developed and tested using the default themes packaged with WordPress including twentyten, twentytwelve, twentythirteen, twentyfourteen, twentyfifteen, and all future versions. These themes use WordPress best practices and adhere to theme rules set by WordPress.org. Any child theme based on these themes should also work without issue. If you are having a problem, try [Diagnosing Feed and/or Player Issues](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/using-powerpress/diagnosing-feed-andor-player-issues-with-powerpress/). If you are having a problem specifically with the player and links, try the "Having issues?" option under PowerPress Settings > Appearance tab. Visit [Resolving Plugin or Theme Conflicts](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/powerpress-settings/media-appearance/plugin-theme-conflict-issues/) for details. = Premium podcasting themes compatible with PowerPress = [Appendipity Podcast Pro theme](https://www.appendipity.com/themes/podcast-pro-theme/?aid=13) is is designed specifically to take advantage of built-in features, settings and podcast episode meta data in PowerPress. The Blubrry team works with the Appendipity team during beta testing and major WordPress releases to make sure the Podcast Pro theme and PowerPress work together seamlessly. = Related Plugins = The following plugins may be used in conjunction with PowerPress. * [Message Flow](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/message-flow/) - generates a CoverFlow-like interface for your blog posts with podcast episodes. For podcasts, use shortocde `[message-flow podcasts_only="true"]`. * [Eli's PowerPress Addon Widget](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/podpress-addons/) - Adds a sidebar widget that lists your podcast episodes linked to the play in a new window PowerPress player. * [PowerPress Posts From MySQL](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/powerpress-posts-from-mysql/developers/) - Creates blog posts with PowerPress podcast episode information from a MySQL table. * [Featured Podcast Widget](http://wordpress.org/plugins/featured-podcast-widget/), [Home Page](http://www.richardfarrar.com/featured-podcast-widget-for-wordpress/) - A widget that enables you to display your latest podcast from a category or featured podcast utilising the PowerPress plugin's default player. = Why doesn't Blubrry PowerPress support multiple enclosures in one feed item/post? = Blubrry PowerPress does not allow you to include multiple media files for one feed item (blog post). This is because each podcatcher handles multiple enclosures in feeds differently. Apple Podcasts will download the first enclosure that it sees in the feed ignoring the rest. Other podcatchers and podcasting directories either pick up the first enclosure or the last in each post item. This inconsistency combined with the fact that [Dave Winer does not recommend multiple enclosures](http://www.reallysimplesyndication.com/2004/12/21) and the [FeedValidator.org recommendation against it](http://www.feedvalidator.org/docs/warning/DuplicateEnclosure.html) is why the Blubrry PowerPress does not support them. As a alternative, PowerPress allows you to create additional Custom Podcast Feeds to associate any magnitude of media format and/or length in a blog post to specific custom feeds. For example, you can create one blog post associated to separate video and audio podcast feeds saving you time from entering your show notes twice. = Why doesn't Blubrry PowerPress include media statistics built-in? = Blubrry PowerPress does not include media statistics built-in. This is not because Blubrry has its own statistics service, although that's a good reason by itself. Maintaining and calculating statistics is a resource and server intensive task that would add bloat to an otherwise efficient WordPress podcasting plugin. We recommend using your media hosting's web statistics to give you basic download numbers and, if you are seeking more grandular measurements such as client and geographical information for each episode, you're more than welcome to use the [Blubrry Statistics service](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-download-statistics/) as well. You may however access your Blubrry Statistics from within your WordPress dashboard. = How do you insert the player within a blog post? = You can insert the media player within your blog posts by using the WordPress shortcode feature. The shortcode for PowerPress is `[powerpress]` (all lowercase) You may use the shortcode to add a player to other media files (non episode files) by specifying the media url in the shortcode: [powerpress url="http://example.com/path/to/media.mp3"] For advanced users with multiple podcast feeds, you may insert the player for a specific feed by specifying the feed slug in the shortcode: [powerpress feed="podcast"] If you want to specify a cover image, add an image attribute which points to the specific image url: [powerpress image="http://example.com/path/to/cover_image.jpg"] *Experimental* = Why can't you upload large media files? = File uploads are tricky to handle because there are so many web hosting variations with different upload size limits. We recommend using an FTP application to upload large media files. FTP is much more efficient than web based uploads and is typically provided by nearly all web hosting providers. = The Media Player does not appear on my site? = . . . or the RSS feed is invalid? This can happen when there is a theme or plugin conflict. Please visit our [Diagnosing Feed and/or Player Issues](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/using-powerpress/diagnosing-feed-andor-player-issues-with-powerpress/) for instructions how to resolve such issues. == Installation == = Point and Click Installation = 1. Sign into your blog, go to the plugins section and click 'Add New'. 2. In the search box enter "PowerPress", then click 'Search'. 3. Click the 'Install Now' link and proceed to install the plugin. 4. Once installed, click 'Activate'. 5. Configure your Blubrry PowerPress by going to the **Settings** > **Blubrry PowerPress** page. = Manual Installation = To install Blubrry PowerPress manually, follow these steps: 1. Download [PowerPress from WordPress.org](http://wordpress.org/plugins/powerpress/). 2. Extract the downloaded zip file to a temporary folder. 3. Copy the entire powerpress folder from the downloaded zip file into the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your server. 4. Activate the "Blubrry PowerPress" plugin in your blog's Plugin Management page. 5. Configure your Blubrry PowerPress by going to the **Settings** > **Blubrry PowerPress** page. == Screenshots == 1. PowerPress's Simple Mode will walk you through setting up your podcast in 3 easy steps. 2. Just like blogging, podcasting utilizes blog posting features with the addition of a podcast episode box. Yes, podcasting is that simple! 3. PowerPress integrates seamlessly with Blubrry Podcast Hosting's exclusive player. 4. PowerPress comes with a built-in subscribe sidebar widget to help your audience subscribe to your podcast. 5. PowerPress comes with an editable subscribe page builder with a subscribe embed tool to help your web visitors subscribe. 6. PowerPress's Advanced Mode settings let you dig in as deep as you want to with every possible setting for podcasting at your fingertips. 7. PowerPress incorporates the built-in WordPress media players into your blog posts and pages. == Changelog == = Next Major Release Announcements = * We are looking for beta testers! If you would like to beta test future versions of PowerPress, please [contact us](http://www.blubrry.com/contact.php#feedback) with your name and email. = Fan of PowerPress and want to show your support? = If you are a fan of PowerPress, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment and [leave us a review on WordPress.org](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/powerpress/reviews/?rate=5#new-post). Your support is greatly appreciated! = 7.3 = * Released on 07/10/2018 * Spotify and Google Podcasts subscribe links added to Destinations. * PowerPress users using [Blubrry Podcast Hosting](https://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-hosting/) may now submit shows to Spotify! * Added PodcastMirror setting, a modern alternative to FeedBurner. Learn more about [PodcastMirror](https://podcastmirror.com/) at [podcastmirror.com](https://podcastmirror.com/) * Converted loop logic from each() to foreach() for PHP 7.3+ / 8.0+ compatibility. * Improved logic for playlist player to appear better when certain settings are not set. * Moved the enqueue script ('jquery-ui-tabs') logic so it only loads in the powerpress admin pages. (Thanks @keenanpayne for the code change!) * Added define option `POWERPRESS_POSTTYPE_MIXING`, when set to true podcast channels for the default podcast feed will mix all post types of type post with the default podcast feed. (Thanks @eos-rose for bringing to our attention) * Fixed bug with translation and javascript alert messages. (Thanks Enrico for reporting the bug!) = 7.2 = * Released on 12/13/2017 * Added code to allow customization of Blubrry player style and colors. * Added code to set no-cache headers in AJAX calls. * Updated code to fixed bug where new iTunes episode title field may not save with some web hosting platforms using mod security with PHP 5.x. (Thanks @glark, Karren, and others for helping us fix the issue!) * Changed the menu slug name for editing PowerPress settings. * Removed safe mode logic for older versions of PHP. (Thanks @BrentO for reporting) * Added logic to support feeds with bbpress. (Thanks @mubashiriqbal for bringing to our attention!) * Added missing argument for get_post_type_object() in powerpress-subscribe (Thanks John for bring to our attention) * Added disable iOS 11 field options under tools to help diagnose issue with some websites that show a 404 page when editing settings since the iOS11 fields were introduced. * Changed the names of the new iOS11 fields that were getting caught by Mod Security for some users. * Fixed bug with Taxonomy podcasting statistics redirects not being compatible with versions of WordPress older than 4.5 (Thanks @fmnowling for bringing to our attention!) * iTunes Maximizer option 11+ older episodes now includes the iTunes summary by default to reflect changes with iOS11. (Thanks Daniel Lewis for the suggestion!) * Fixed link to powerpress translation page which was returning 404 * Added CastFeedValidator.com links for validating podcast feeds. * Added Hindi and Punjabi to list of Podcast feed langauges (Thanks @blueblast for requesting the languages to be added) = 7.1.1 = * Released on 08/24/2017 * NOTE: There is no urgency to update to this version unless you can benefit from bug fixes listed. * BETA COMING SOON: PowerPress 7.2 Beta will be available within 24-72 hours. Please visit https://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/powerpress-beta/ for more details. * Added logic to prevent the W3 Total Cache plugin from minifying podcast feeds. (Thanks @allimaple for bringing to our attention) * Fixed warning messages in the getid3 library so they comply with PHP 7.1+. (Thanks @mahe for letting us know about the problem) * Fixed error verifying URLs for file formats not supported by iTunes. * Feed import now compatible with Spreaker podcast feeds. * Added code when including the subscribe CSS file to make sure it's always included with various WordPress updates (Thanks Tim for the code fix!) * Added checkbox in Blubrry Player configuration for making iTunes Episode image use optional with player. Unchecked by default. = 7.1 = * Released on 7/11/2017 * Added support for iOS 11! * iTunes type added, specify episodic or serial for your podcast program (for iOS 11). * iTunes episode title, number, season and type added for your episodes (for iOS 11). * Subscribe on iTunes changed to Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, links have been enhanced to highlight episodes. * Blubrry Podcast Media Hosting and HTTPS: Media URLs are now automatically converted to HTTPS. * Added compatibility for the SG CachePress plugin. PowerPress will clear the cache if there was an error. (Thanks @grudesky for getting us in touch with developers!) * Fixed error with creating the subscribe page in some languages (Thanks @edithmayerhofer for bringing to our attention). * Better error reporting when importing podcast feed images. * Verify media option improvements, mp3 duration is now detected even faster in most cases! * Added logic to prevent notice messages with the subscribe_shortcode and newest versions of PHP. (Thanks @mahe for bringing to our attention) * Added "Hide player / links: Read more tagged posts" option, hides the player and links on pages with the read more link. (Thanks @calebsg0 for the suggestion!) * Google play schema URL updated. * Added "redirect_rule" list of post types not used for podcasting. For compatibility with the "Safe Redirect Manager" plugin. * Blubrry Player now uses the episode itunes image if set. The URLs to the images must be https:// in order to appear on social networking sites. * Windows Media Player in browser support has been removed. Microsoft Edge browser does not support Windows Media Player in the browser. * New logic added for dealing with Internet Explorer / Edge browser preloading media when using the MediaElement.js player. * Fixed PHP warning message if media size in bytes is zero when displaying file size with player links. * No longer using self closing XML for iTunes Categories. * iTunes subscribe itpc:// links are no longer supported. * Editing default podcast channel now imports global settings by default if blank. (Thanks Robin for bringing to our attention!) * RSS Podcast feed Import error message added when the PHP XML library is not available. (Thanks @hgetrost for bringing to our attention!) = 7.0.4 = * Released on 2/18/2017 * NOTE: There is no urgency to update to this version unless you can benefit from the new import options, top level iTunes category options, or bug fixes listed. * Playlist player bug fix: When ids="" are specified, episodes are now listed in the order entered rather than by date. (Thanks Zach Herbert for bringing to our attention!) * Updated the `powerpress_subscribe` shortcode to include the latest iTunes button in svg format and added the iTunes small badge. Use attribute itunes_badge="true" to display iTunes badge. * Changed import feed code to use the current author ID rather than hard coded to 1. (Thanks @tund3r for the bug fix!) * Import feed for libsyn updated. (Thanks @tund3r for the code fix!) * Import feed advanced option "Remove query strings from media URLs" added. (Thanks @tund3r!) * Fixed rare PHP Notice unserialize() on line 3094 error that may happen if the podcast episode serialized data is not present. (Thanks @hmseb for pointing out the notice to us!) * Added colon ":" to list of characters that can be in a valid media URL. (Thanks AfterBuzzTV.com! for the heads up!) * Fixed notice message that can appear when using the media objects with the powerpress shortcode. (Thanks @srumery for reporting the problem!) * Fixed issue with dashboard failing to load in some cases due to news feed being blocked by web server. (Thanks Jacob K. for helping us debug the problem!) * iTunes categories with subcategories are no longer strictly enforced. If you want to select "Art" without selecting a sub category you now can. Selecting a category with a sub category is still optimal. * Added ability to import a podcast feed to a post type podcast feed or to a podcast channel. * Added ability to set the post status when importing a podcast feed. (Thanks @hgetrost for the feature suggestion!) * Added compatibility with the [Custom Post Widget](https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-widget/) plugin. (Thanks @aparentdesign for letting us know about the problem) * Fixed bug where ogg audio was not using the correct audio player. (Thanks @joeress for letting us know about the bug) * Fixed bug with import not matching episode media URLs correctly. (Thanks @hgetrost for bringing to our attention) = 7.0.3 = * Released 9/13/2016 * Fixed issue when editing channel/category/post type podcast settings double escaping & character. (Thanks Robin Brinkler for bringing to our attention!) * Added checks for OpenSSL and cURL SSL support to the Diagnostics page. * PowerPress "Verify" option now works with MemberPress. (Thanks MemberPress for the code!) * Added new debugging define `POWERPRESS_DEBUG_QUERIES`, displays SQL queries at the bottom of the feed for diagnostic purposes. * Feed option to not allow other plugins from modyfing podcast feeds now bypasses the `the_content` and `the_excerpt` filters. * Added 2 new define options for podcast feeds and HTTPS. For example, it is possible to host your website via HTTPS but serve the feed via HTTP. (Thanks @Fastmover for the patch that inspired this option) * `define('POWERPRESS_FEEDS_FORCE_HTTPS', true);` when added to wp-config.php forces all media links and iTunes images to use HTTPS. * `define('POWERPRESS_FEEDS_FORCE_HTTP', true);` when added to wp-config.php forces all media links and iTunes images to use HTTP. = 7.0.2 = * Released on 7/22/2016 * Fixed bug with new Blubrry Player not displaying show notes button. * Added TuneIn subscribe URL option. (Thanks @kgagne for bringing to our attention!) * Removed the PHP 5.2 or older error message in the getid3 library. (Thanks davidpmariano for the heads up!) * Fixed bug where podcast channels with a blank feed title do not apply specific channel settings like the website link. (Thanks Robin Brinkler for bringing to our attention!) * Fixed bug where category episodes were not using the category settings like they used to if only one category is selected. (Thanks Jason Bryant for explaining the situation for us to reproduce the problem!) * Added additional logic to better handle category podcasting when strict category podcasting is not enabled. * Removed itunes:summary when Feed Maximizer on (this was the behavior before 7.0). iTunes summary is a duplicate of the RSS description. To include itunes summary in maximizer mode, please add `define('POWERPRESS_MAXIMIZER_INCLUDE_ITUNES_SUMMARY', true);` in your wp-config.php. = 7.0.1 = * Released on 6/20/2016 * Fixed bug where verify media could fail with "unable to determine file format" caused by getid3 library update. (Thanks @budgetnerd for bringing to our attention!) * Re-added the itpc links for subscribe on iTunes when no iTunes subscribe URL provided. For those who wanted this, please notice itpc does not work on iOS devices. * Statistics redirects that do not end with a / will now work. We add a slash if no slash is present. * Removed February 2016 iTunes notice message. * Subscribe by Email, on Google Play and Stitcher options removed for premium podcast feeds. * Subscribe links will no longer appear when episode no links option checked. (Thanks @360woodworking for bringing to our attention) = 7.0 = * Released on 6/6/2016 * Added Google Play Music to subscribe page shortcode embed and sidebar widget. * Added Stitcher to subscribe page shortcode embed and sidebar widget. * New: Strict Category Podcasting. Select a specific category to each episode for statistics tracking and subscription links. * New: Podcast only category feeds. You can now mix blog posts with podcast episodes in your podast categories. * New: Blubrry Audio Player. Modern podcast audio player complete with subscribe and share tools. For Blubrry Hosting customers only. * Updated the getid3 library to latest version. * Embed link enhanced to use provided embed. If an embed is placed into an episode, the embed link below the player will use that embed as well. * Fixed bug where post type podcast feed with slug 'podcast' will also get the default podcast feed settings (Thanks steveportigal for bringing to our attention). * Fixed bug with WP 4.5 dropping the `rss-http` content type "text/xml". * Added shortcode attribute `ids=""` so you can specify post IDs for the playlist player to display exclusively. (Thanks John Haspel for the feature suggestion!) * RSS import now sets the blog post content from the iTunes summary if no description or content:encoded was found in the feed. (Thanks @synthtony for letting us know about the situation) * RSS import function calls to `mb_stripos()` will fallback to `stripos()` if the PHP mb (Multibyte String) library not available. (Thanks Glen Donohu for bringing to our attention!) * Import to podcast category option added. * Added audio ac3 and dts to media detection getid3 library (these are not podcast safe formats though we can detect their meta information). * Improved logic for setting the iTunes subtitle and iTunes summary from blog post excerpts and blog post content if no custom iTunes summary and/or subtitle is set. * Improved feed logic to minimize SQL queries * Feed Maximizer option now applies to category podcast only feeds. * Renamed "Appearance" settings to "Website" settings * Added "Destination" settings for podcast directories and apps * You can now select from pages when setting your Subscribe Page. * Changed labels for Podcasting SEO guidance to include word "Podcasting" so not to confuse with "Web SEO". * Updated Podcasting SEO guidance to reflect how search works in Google Play Music (Thanks Daniel Lewis for confirming what is indexed!) * Changed wording for Podcasting SEO guidance with Author field, replaced "slogans" with "nicknames" so it is more clear that we mean slogans for talent on the show. * Removed logic to fallback to the HTML5 player for mobile devices. This was only needed when Flash based players were used. * Quicktime Embed option for m4a audio removed due to security concerns with Quicktime. * SWF embed support dropped. * Embed link now toggles embed box when clicked multiple times. * ATTENTION: The 1 pixel out audio player will be removed from PowerPress 7.1. = Additional PowerPress Version History = Please visit the [PowerPress Version History](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/advanced-tools-and-options/powerpress-version-history/) page for history prior to version 6.0. == Upgrade Notice == ATTENTION: The 1 pixel out audio player will be removed from PowerPress 7.1. == Contributors == Angelo Mandato, CIO [Blubrry](http://www.blubrry.com) - Plugin founder, architect and lead developer Pat McSweeny, PHP Developer - Developed initial version (v0.1.0) of plugin Jerry Stephens, [Way of the Geek](http://wayofthegeek.org) - Contributed initial code fix for excerpt bug resolved in v0.6.1, wrote initial code for the 4 new flash players. Darcy Fiander, [Rooty Radio](http://rootyradio.com) - Fixed bug with category links to FeedValidator.org and category title warning when validating category feeds. Joel Haasnoot, [Personal Blog](http://waarisdetrein.nl/joelhaasnoot/) - Developed PodPress archive statistics. Nicolas Bouliane, [Personal Blog](http://nicolasbouliane.com/) - contributed code for `get_the_powerpress_all_players()` function. == Translators == * Danish translation for v1.0.11+ by [Team Blogos](http://wordpress.blogos.dk/s%C3%B8g-efter-downloads/?did=280) - Latest translation available [here](http://wordpress.blogos.dk/s%C3%B8g-efter-downloads/?did=280) * French translation for v1.0.11+ by [Aurélien Denis](http://wpchannel.com/) - Aurélien is looking for assistance maintaining the French translation, email wpchannel [at] gmail.com if interested. * Simplified Chinese for v1.0.12+ by [webmote](http://codeex.cn) - From webmote: Welcome to use the plugin. Very good! and then hope you to access my site. * Italian translation for v2.0.4+ by [Umberto Sartori](http://veneziadoc.net/) * Romanian translation for v2.0.4+ by Alexander Ovsov (Web Geek Sciense: http://webhostinggeeks.com/science/) * Russian translation for v4.0.5+ by [Igor Mercury](http://www.nightdiary.ru/) * Brazilian Portuguese translation for v6.0+ by [Leo Lopes from Radiofobia](http://radiofobia.com.br/) == Tips and Tutorials == * [Using PowerPress outside the Loop](http://blog.nicolasbouliane.com/?p=1695) - by [Nicolas Bouliane](http://blog.nicolasbouliane.com/) * [The PowerPress Podcast](http://www.powerpresspodcast.com/) - by [Blubrry](http://www.blubrry.com/) Please [contact blubrry](http://www.blubrry.com/contact.php) with the link to your tips or tutorial for PowerPress and we'll add them to the list above. == Feedback == [http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/](http://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/) == Support == [http://create.blubrry.com/support/](http://create.blubrry.com/support/) == Blubrry Social == [Twitter](https://twitter.com/blubrry) - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/blubrry) - [Google+](https://plus.google.com/u/0/104806426850567631953/posts)