=== Social Media Widget ===
Contributors: Tchernitchenko
Donate link: 
Tags: smart, social, media, socialmedia, widget, minimalistic, plugin, simple, beautiful, design, fontawesome, facebook, instagram, twitter, youtube, linkedin
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.5.2
Stable tag: 2.0.0
License: GPL2
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Minimalistic and clean social media widget that is easy to use.

== Description ==

Social Media Widget is an easy to use widget to output simple social media icons making it easy for your visitors to follow you on every platform.

The widget comes with no less than 40 icons including a big variety of social media sites, of course including all the big ones such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube etc.

If you have any requests, find anything that is broken, or think I missed to include some icons you can easily contact me via the suport forum.

== Installation ==

**From the WordPress dashboard**

1. Go to 'Plugins -> Add New'
2. Search for 'Smart Social Media Widget'
3. Activate 'Smart Social Media Widget' from your Plugins page.

**From WordPress.org**

1. Click the download button
2. Copy/upload the downloaded 'smart-social-media-widget/'' folder into your '/wp-content/plugins/' folder
3. Activate 'Smart Social Media Widget' from your Plugins page.

**When activated**

1. Go to your dashboard, Appearance -> Widgets
2. Find 'Smart Social Media Widget' in your 'Available Widgets' area and drag it into a widget area.
3. Customize the widget to your liking and click save.

== Screenshots ==

1. Simple style layout with Twentyfifteen theme.
2. Boxed style layout with Twentyfifteen theme.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =

* Initial release

= 1.1.0 =
* Added fade animation option
* Redesigned layout when only 2 icons are selected
* Edited the icon element output

= 1.1.1 =
* Important update!
* Previous version broke the links, this is fixed now

= 2.0.0 =
* 20 new icons
* Icon size option
* New design option, boxed icons
* New back-end design
* Fixed a problem with icons showing up as just squares in some themes
* Cleaned up CSS
* Cleaned up plugin code