== 3.3.2 04/05/2022 ==
- Fix: Fix PHP warning when default param is missing in payments spec. #8519
- Update: Update country support list for WooCommerce Payments Task. #8517
== 3.3.1 03/31/2022 ==
- Fix: WCPayments task is not visible after installing the plugin #8514
== 3.3.0 03/29/2022 ==
- Fix: Fix handling of paid themes in purchase task. #8493
- Fix: Added random IDs to SVG checkmarks in stepper component #8222
- Fix: Fix Google Listings plugin is always shown in free features despite already activated. #8330
- Fix: Fix hidden notes in `admin/notes` endpoint when the user is not in the tasklist experiment. #8328
- Fix: Fix missing product name in variation analytic page for the deleted products. #8255
- Fix: Fix payments extensions displayed below the offline payments options. #8232
- Fix: Fix setup wizard title and flash of content #8201
- Fix: Fix too many pending run_remote_notifications actions. #8285
- Fix: Fix view logic for Setup additional payment providers task. #8391
- Fix: OBW: fix copy on Business Details when "WooCommerce Shipping" is not listed #8324
- Fix: Only add product data on REST requests and task list #8235
- Fix: Stop showing actioned inbox items #8394
- Add: Add asynchronous plugin install and activation endpoints #8079
- Update: Adjust time range and add an image for the Jetpack Backup note. #8293
- Update: Implement MailChimp API request threshold for MailchimpScheduler. #8342
- Update: Reintroduce CES on product add, product update, and order update. #8238
- Update: Replace mysql image with mariadb #8220
- Dev: Added a test for tracks event recording for PaymentGatewaySuggestions #8306
- Dev: Add README to hook reference generation script #8004
- Dev: Add reset WooCommerce functionality to E2E tests, so tests have a fresh state. #8219
- Dev: Enabled optional typescript checking on ./client subfolder #8372
- Dev: Fix formatting and add filter param for changelog types for the testing instructions script. #8256
- Dev: Refactor MerchantEmailNotifications #8304
- Dev: Remove preloaded countries from data endpoints and use data store instead. #8380
- Dev: Remove unused pre loaded setting data displaying all the routes. #8379
- Dev: Remove unused task styling classes #8234
- Dev: Update dependencies to support react 17 and drop support for IE11. #8305
- Dev: Update task list data structure to better handle new designs. #8332
- Tweak: OBW: Override Country/Region label line-height style to avoid truncated descenders. #8186
- Tweak: Show single success message for theme install and activation #8236
- Tweak: Use WC_VERSION as cache buster for assets #8308
- Performance: Avoid expensive get_notes() queries in CouponPageMoved admin_init actions by using new Notes::get_note_by_name() helper method. #8202
- Enhancement: Add chart color filter for overriding default chart colors. #8258
- Enhancement: Added Typescript type declarations to build for @woocommerce/components #8282
- Enhancement: Increase color selection limit to ten and add additional colors. #8258
- Enhancement: Made @woocommerce/components/Stepper a Typescript file #8286
- Enhancement: Prompts a modal to save any unsaved changes when the users try to move to a different step #8278
- Fix: Make sure the paid extension task is also shown for themes. #8412
- Fix: Reintroduce emphasis on inbox note action button. #8411
- Fix: Remove class ExtendedPayments. #8461
== 3.2.0 02/22/2022 ==
- Fix: Adjusted task list logic to fix conflict between current and experimental task list. #8321
- Fix: changed email validation in Store Details onboarding task to more closely match PHP backend validation. #8197
- Fix: Disallow whitespace as the platform name input. #8090
- Fix: Ensure setup-wizard redirection on homescreen is stable. #8114
- Fix: Fix category report query returns invalid net sales. #8153
- Fix: Fix clicking the error message opens the dropdown. #8094
- Fix: Fix country/region selection not preserved in store details task. #8228
- Fix: Fixed email address not being optional in OBW #8263
- Fix: Fix get_automated_tax_supported_countries doesn't include UK. #8180
- Fix: Fix incorrect date options when the "Default Date Range" is set from Analytics settings. #8189
- Fix: Fix incorrectly displayed note created date. #8179
- Fix: Fix incorrect screen reader text generated for data points on charts table. #8181
- Fix: Fix incorrect total count of downloads on the analytics download report. #8182
- Fix: Fix misaligned status column on order report. #8121
- Fix: Fix shipping rate error message overlaps with the 'Proceed' button. #8165
- Fix: Fix Shipping task sometimes skipping the set shipping costs step. #8260
- Fix: Fix Uncaught TypeError count(NULL) for php8+ in Marketing.php. #8213
- Fix: Fix undefined derived_currency value for the track 'wcadmin_storeprofiler_store_details_continue'. #8193
- Fix: Fix variations table product filter query. #8120
- Fix: Make sure free subscriptions does not show when cbd industry is selected. #8323
- Fix: Make sure WooCommerce Payments tasklist_payment_setup is triggered again. #8146
- Fix: Preserve HTML markup in server-side error messages received from sample product import request. #8173
- Fix: Remove border between email input and newsletter checkbox in OBW store details. #8148
- Fix: Reset "install_timestamp" if it's not numeric to avoid TypeError. #8100
- Fix: Truncate the long site title with an ellipses on the second line. #8112
- Add: Add additional store profiler track for the business details tab. #8265
- Add: Add countries data store #8119
- Add: Add extra tracking for plugin installation performance during onboarding. #8042
- Add: Adding tooltip to describe the lack of refund deductions from revenue summaries. #8187
- Add: Add localized validation to store address #8123
- Add: Add Magento migration note #8145
- Add: Add REST endpoint to retrieve address locales #8116
- Add: Add Spain to Square country suggestion list. #8210
- Add: Add wc_version property to the store profile onboarding tracks for view and complete steps. #8290
- Add: Change the reviews empty state panels logic #8147
- Update: Add custom error for store details email and allow continue #8110
- Update: Adding "allow-plugins" property for composer configuration. #8139
- Dev: Remove wc-admin-settings package and rename getSetting to getAdminSetting. #8057
- Tweak: Fix WCPay in core texts and promo slug #8296
- Tweak: Grow and center buttons in all WooCommerce ellipsis menu popover containers. #8168
- Tweak: Hide store address fields in regions that specify hidden #8172
- Tweak: Make activity panel badges margin consistent. #8152
- Tweak: Padding tweak for marketing tools plugin list headings. #8171
- Performance: Speed up customer syncing action. #8021
- Enhancement: Enhance report chart i18n support. #8129
- Enhancement: Make ExPlat request URL args filterable. Added woocommerce_explat_request_args filter. #8231
- Enhancement: Show MailPoet in Installed marketing extensions. #8091
- Enhancement: Update headercard to use filter to add ExPlat parameter #8233
== 3.1.0 01/25/2022 ==
- Fix: Fix Onboarding flow where extensions might not be selected and installed. #7979
- Fix: Fix pagination issue with Analytics Coupons page. #8001
- Fix: Fix select-control component label/value alignment. #8045
- Fix: Fix unexpected analytics report table filter results. #8072
- Fix: Prevent coupon move notice for new installs. #7995
- Fix: Remove calls to read_meta_data in the Note DataStore. #7988
- Fix: Fix free extensions list isn't updated after store location or industry is changed. #8099
- Fix: Fix misaligned "Rows per page" dropdown. #8113
- Fix: Hide the extensions header when no available plugins in the category. #8089
- Fix: Replace all docs.woocommerce.com links with woocommerce.com/document. #8105
- Fix: Fixing marketing task not displaying on Atomic sites #8150
- Fix: Fix setup wizard free features checkbox re-check itself. #8169
- Add: Add featured pill for MailPoet and Google Listings in marketing task #8009
- Add: Add inbox_action_click track when a note gets clicked #8086
- Add: Activate promo note after WC Pay is activated. #8104
- Add: Add payment remind me later note. #8085
- Add: Add WC Pay welcome page #8083
- Update: Allow content data note props to be passed from remote sources #8047
- Update: Update @woocommerce/e2e-environment package to latest. #8000
- Dev: Add payment gateway suggestion docs and example extensions #7966
- Dev: Remove low performing inbox notes. #8054
- Dev: Remove navigation feedback note. #8055
- Dev: Fix task ID class check and add tests around tracking #8185
- Tweak: OBW Update WC Pay label on recommended extensions list #8038
- Enhancement: Add SlotFill areas to header #7805
== 3.0.3 01/06/2022 ==
- Fix: Fix blank payment gateway method in table when WooCommerce Payments is not supported. #8122
- Add: Add woocommerce_allow_marketplace_suggestions filter to WooCommerce Payments payment method promotion. #8117
== 3.0.2 01/05/2022 ==
- Render the activity panel when the experimental tasklist is hidden. #8111
== 3.0.1 12/30/2021 ==
- Do not initialize WC Pay promotion if spec is empty. #8087
== 3.0.0 12/28/2021 ==
- Fix: Fix an issue with the code that makes use of an invalid parameter with a PHP function. The use of this invalid parameter causes PHP 8 to throw a Fatal Error. #7855
- Fix: Fix TaskList UI experiment enablement logic. #7930
- Fix: Navigation nudge note and navigation feedback notes will delete themselves if the navigation feature is not available. #7914
- Fix: Replace old task list option calls with data store selectors. #7820
- Fix: Self-delete NavigationFeedbackFollowUp note when navigation feature is not present. #7939
- Fix: Fix PHP Warning on 'Add new product' page. #7989
- Fix: Fix usage of Wordpress DatePicker component. #7982
- Fix: Fix shipping task completion status. #8031
- Add: Add option to dismiss promotional payment gateway. #7965
- Add: OBW - Add number of employees field. #7963
- Update: Ending wcpay promotion experiment and always displaying in payment methods table.
- Update: Hide InboxPanel header when it is rendered in the sidebar. #7952
- Update: Introduce a 320 character limit for inbox note contents. #7958
- Update: Move payments task to extended task list when WC Pay task is shown. #7980
- Update: Rename Inbox to Activity from the activity header. #7879
- Update: Load both actioned and unactioned notes. #7983
- Dev: Explicitly sets the Node version to 14 in .nvmrc to prevent incompatible versions of Node from being used with nvm. #7932
- Dev: Remove unused npm package @woocommerce/settings. #7949
- Dev: Update payment method recommendation to new woocommerce.com endpoint. #7913
- Dev: Use abstraction to add and retrieve task data. #7918
- Tweak: Added dismiss all button for inbox notes.
- Tweak: Implement note read state. #7896
- Tweak: Add inbox_panel_view tracks event. #8002
- Enhancement: Add tests to Subscriptions inclusion. #7804
== 2.9.3 12/15/2021 ==
- Fix: Correctly match payment gateways by id #7994
== 2.9.2 12/13/2021 ==
- Fix: Fix shipping task completion status #8031
== 2.9.1 12/07/2021 ==
- Fix: Fix shipping task not offering step 3. #7985
== 2.9.0 11/30/2021 ==
- Fix: Do not clear `current` class from the entire page when updating wp-admin's menu. #7773
- Fix: Fix calendar not being dismissed when clicking outside. #7714
- Fix: fixed warnings when using AdvancedFilters component. #7704
- Fix: Fix Tasklist UI illustrations styling #7858
- Fix: Revert experiment task titles back to original #7853
- Fix: Fix ordering and styling issue with WooCommerce Payments payment method promotion. #7943
- Fix: Fix ExPlat PHP client #7926
- Fix: Fix marketing extensions tracks #7908
- Fix: Ensure homescreen defaults to single column layout. #7969
- Add: Add 2col expirement. #7872
- Add: Add Avalara to tax task #7874
- Add: Added two column experimental task list #7669
- Add: Add header cards for all tasks in Tasklist UI experiment #7838
- Add: Add onboarding task docs #7762
- Update: Add marketing extensions back to onboarding wizard #7831
- Update: Add profile notes. #7861
- Update: Change CTA text for personalize store task after completion #7852
- Update: Increased number of possible items in Recommended Extensions list from 6 to 9 #7887
- Update: Refactor data source poller for re-usability. #7671
- Update: Reverts addition of Marketplace and My Subscriptions pages to the Marketplace menu. #7902
- Update: Update the inbox panel with the new design #7864
- Update: Update WC Pay card to include in-person information #7830
- Update: Updating navigation link colors #7833
- Dev: Add method to check for install status #7808
- Dev: Refactor tax task into separate components
- Dev: Update the task list to use the new task list REST API #7736
- Dev: Remove task status endpoint #7841
- Tweak: Add route and layout for unmatched path #7503
- Tweak: Avoid caching extended info #7819
- Tweak: Minor design update for Marketing task. #7732
- Tweak: Remove the Spinner component to prevent undesired page flickering. #7886
- Tweak: Use page title Extensions for Marketplace and My Subscriptions pages. #7901
- Performance: Only load default tasks during REST requests #7904
== 2.8.0 11/02/2021 ==
- Add: Store Profiler and Product task - include Subscriptions #7734
- Fix: Fix issue where stock activity panel was not rendering correctly. #7817
- Fix: Increase CSS specificity to avoid conflicts and broken panel styling. #7813
- Fix: Updated link to WooCommerce Developers Blog in readme.txt #7824
- Fix: Fixed navigation menu text color after Gutenberg 11.6.0 #7771
- Fix: Add status param to notes/delete/all REST endpoint, to correctly delete all notes. #7743
- Fix: Allow already installed marketing extensions to be activated #7740
- Fix: Add missing title text for marketing task. #7640
- Fix: Assign parent order status as children order status if refund order #7253
- Fix: Fix category lookup logic to update children correctly. #7709
- Fix: Fixing an unwanted page refresh when using Woo Navigation. #7615
- Fix: Fix naming of event names and properties. #7677
- Fix: Fix white screen for variation analytic data without a name. #7686
- Update: Update back up copy of free extension for Google Listing & Ads plugin. #7798
- Update: Update Eway payment gateway capitalization (was eWAY). #7678
- Update: Enable Square in France. #7679
- Update: Update WC pay supported country list for the default free extensions. #7873
- Enhancement: Add experiment for promoting WooCommerce Payments in payment methods table. #7666
- Performance: Only load tasks during rest api requests #7856
== 2.7.2 10/11/2021 ==
- Fix: Fix analytics crashing on daylight saving #7763
== 2.7.1 10/01/2021 ==
- Fix: Allow super admins all capabilities within WooCommerce Admin #7489
- Fix: Fix end date for last periods #6584
- Fix: Fix up onboarding profiler not working when opted out of tracking #7490
- Fix: Making Business Details sticky in onboarding wizard #7426
- Fix: Missing RTL for onboarding styles. #7531
- Fix: Skip scheduling action if Action Scheduler tables have not been set up #7521
- Fix: Update country region typeahead for better autofill support. #7497
- Fix: Use installable extensions for local state versus free extensions. #7585
- Fix: Fix fatal error and unrelated results in analytics. #7682
- Fix: Harden the reports directory #7691
- Fix: Update task-item logic to only display content when expanded is true. #7611
- Add: Show Pinterest in installed marketing extensions (if installed) #7417
- Add: Added MailchimpScheduler that runs daily to subscribe store_email in the profile data #7579
- Add: Added shipping plugin recommendations to settings page (#7446).
- Add: Adding endpoint to snooze onboarding task #7539
- Add: Adding undo snooze task endpoint #7560
- Add: Add task dismissal endpoints #7538
- Update: Add HK and SG countries to WC Pay intl support. #7558
- Update: Create task list REST API endpoint #7512
- Update: Deleted OnboardingEmailMarketing note class #7595
- Update: Removes the use of the depreciated woocommerce_shared_settings hook. #7480
- Update: Removes non WooCommerce Admin specific settings from the `wc_admin` namespace in the `wc/data` settings store (ex countries). #7480
- Update: Updating eway logo in payment suggestions defaults #7562
- Update: Update marketing task completion logic. #7586
- Dev: Add email address field to OBW #7552
- Tweak: Add navigation items for the Marketplace menu. #7529
- Tweak: Change all analytics strings and labels to sentence case. #6501
- Tweak: Delete unneeded double spaces in text strings. #7502
- Tweak: Remove the preloaded onboarding options #7338
- Tweak: Update analytics card header text styles #6506
- Enhancement: Align Table fields with the fallback on isNumeric. #7431
== 2.6.5 09/22/2021 ==
- Fix: Add filters to get new hidden options #7698
== 2.6.4 09/21/2021 ==
- Fix: Use installable extensions for local state versus free extensions. #7585
== 2.6.3 09/21/2021 ==
== 2.6.2 09/14/2021 ==
== 2.6.1 09/01/2021 ==
- Update: Update marketing task completion logic. #7586
== 2.6.0 08/31/2021 ==
- Fix: Fixes action button mis-alignment within card footer. #7412
- Fix: Fixing issues with ReportTable component data not populating correctly #7355
- Fix: Fix tracks events for payment gateway suggestions #7304
- Fix: Update status values in CSV download to match the table #7284
- Fix: Allow super admins all capabilities within WooCommerce Admin #7489
- Fix: Fix blank screen by setting a default value #7506
- Fix: Fix analytics overview re-arrangement on initial load. #7475
- Fix: Fix up onboarding profiler not working when opted out of tracking #7490
- Fix: Fix blank screen on analytics screens when searching #7482
- Fix: Fix all links with hash to behind query parameters #7483
- Fix: Fix Stats module CSS issue introduced by Gutenberg #7488
- Fix: Fix marketing task visibility #7580
- Fix: Fix stats-overview card padding issue #7594
- Fix: Fix layout issue on marketing task #7598
- Add: Add boolean isReverseTrend prop to SummaryNumber to show "positive" delta for negative numbers. #7357
- Add: Adding links to help panel for marketing task #7384
- Add: Add installed marketing extensions card to extensions task #7419
- Add: Add marketing extensions task to task list #7383
- Add: Add tracks to marketing manage button click #7467
- Add: Add default marketing extensions as fallbacks #7466
- Add: Add marketing task completion check and tests #7451
- Add: navigation items for the Marketplace menu. #7529
- Update: Add locale param as part of free extensions request #7391
- Update: Increase per_page value for search results on the Analytics pages. #7385
- Update: Removing grow section from local free extensions in OBW #7386
- Update: Don't show the marketing task if no marketing tasks exist #7460
- Update: Delete free extensions transient on WCA update #7454
- Update: Update business details to use extensions data store #7452
- Update: Split Extensions page into Marketplace and My Subscriptions. #7471
- Dev: Added utm_medium=product to woocommerce.com links. #7408
- Dev: Update Jest to version 27. #7430
- Tweak: Refactor on payment settings recommendations eligibility component for reuse. #7447
- Tweak: Register wc-admin page for all users and handle authorization in client #7285
== 2.5.1 08/16/2021 ==
- Fix: Fix blank screen by setting a default value #7506
== 2.5.0 08/09/2021 ==
- Add: Add a delete option to completed tasks #7300
- Add: Add unit tests around extended payment gateway controller #7133
- Add: Add payment gateway suggestion unit tests #7142
- Add: Add TableSummaryPlaceholder to support skeleton loading #7294
- Add: Feature toggle to disable Analytics UI #7168
- Add: Hook reference slotFill support #6833
- Add: Adding tests for PaymentGatewaySuggestions > List component #7201
- Add: Remote Inbox feature setting toggle #7298
- Dev: Add `woocommerce_admin_export_id` filter for customizing the export file name #7178
- Dev: Allow packages to be build independently, fix commonjs module builds. #7286
- Dev: Point the changelog linter to updated changelog entry location #7318
- Dev: Remove old payment gateway task components #7224
- Fix: Attribute filter bug with "any X" variations. #7046
- Fix: Currency display on Orders activity card on homescreen #7181
- Fix: Fix obsolete key property in gateway defaults #7229
- Fix: Fixing button state logic for remote payment gateways #7200
- Fix: Recommended gateway suggestions not displayed properly #7231
- Fix: Include onboarding settings on the analytic pages #7109
- Fix: Load Analytics API only when feature is turned on #7193
- Fix: Localize string for description #7219
- Fix: Filters. On update respect all other queries, not just persistedQueries #7155
- Fix: Use saved form values if available when switching tabs #7226
- Fix: Skip schedule customer data deletion on site deletion #7214
- Fix: WCPay not working in local payments task #7151
- Fix: Report export filtering bug. #7165
- Fix: Add padding on table header button #7213
- Fix: Use tab char for the CSV injection prevention. #7154
- Fix: Add height auto on autocomplete popover button #7225
- Fix: Make WooCommerce-admin full-screen minimum height 100vh important #7230
- Fix: Cache product/variation revenue query results. #7067
- Fix: Transient overlapping adjacent content. #7302
- Fix: Unused feature preloaded options #7299
- Fix: Fix missing translation strings for CES #7270
- Fix: Add missing translation strings in the business features section #7268
- Fix: Fix inbox note dismiss dropdown not closing on Safari #7278
- Fix: Fixed OBW Business details style #7353
- Fix: Fix links on the dismiss dropdown are not clickable #7342
- Fix: Fix undefined method error when setting up WC Tax #7344
- Fix: Invalidate task status when enabling a payment gateway #7330
- Fix: Redirect to homescreen after payment gateway setup #7332
- Fix: Create workable defaults for Reports that donβt have AdvancedFilters #7186
- Fix: Sync the category lookup table when a new category gets created #7290
- Fix: Set default value for performanceIndicators variable #7343
- Fix: Add limit clause to coupons data store query #7399
- Fix: Fix analytics filter Gutenberg CSS conflict #7410
- Fix: Fix Gutenberg CardBody styles for task card #7411
- Fix: Fix orders panel not displaying any orders when analytics is disabled #7395
- Fix: Fix recommended card Gutenberg CSS conflict #7409
- Fix: Update tooltip styling to fix new Gutenberg updates. #7414
- Fix: Allow super admins all capabilities within WooCommerce Admin #7489
- Fix: Fix analytics overview re-arrangement on initial load. #7475
- Fix: Fixes action button mis-alignment within card footer. #7412
- Fix: Fix up onboarding profiler not working when opted out of tracking #7490
- Tweak: Remove performance indicators when Analytics Flag disabled #7234
- Tweak: Change event name when installing Google Listings and Ads. #7276
- Tweak: Removed unused feature flags #7233 and #7273
- Tweak: Render a spinner while woocommerce_setup_jetpack_opted_in is being loaded #7269
- Tweak: Repurpose disable wc-admin filter to remove optional features #7232
- Update: Add additional countries to WCPay for business features and payment task fallback #7436
- Update: Notes to use a date range. #7222
- Update: Remove facebook extension from onboarding extensions fallback list #7287
- Performance: Add lazy loading by checking panel open status #7379
== 2.4.4 07/21/2021 ==
- Fix: Fix homepage stock panel regression in 2.4.3. #7389
== 2.4.3 07/21/2021 ==
- Fix: Add a new low stock products endpoint to improve the performance. #7377
== 2.4.2 07/19/2021 ==
- Fix: Add lazy loading by checking panel open status #7376
- Fix: Add cache-control header to low stock REST API response #7364
== 2.4.1 07/01/2021 ==
- Fix: Fix and refactor explat polling to use setTimeout #7274
== 2.4.0 06/29/2021 ==
- Add: SlotFill to Abbreviated Notification panel #7091
- Add: Consume remote payment methods on frontend #6867
- Add: Extend payment gateways REST endpoint #6919
- Add: Add remote payment gateway recommendations initial docs #6962
- Add: Add loading placeholders for payment gateways task #7123
- Add: Note date range logic for GivingFeedback, and InsightFirstSale note. #6969
- Add: Add transient notices feature #6809
- Add: Add transformers in remote inbox notifications #6948
- Add: Add Mercado Pago as default fallback payment gateway #7043
- Add: Add in Razorpay as default fallback payment gateway #7096
- Add: Get post install scripts from gateway and enqueue in client #6967
- Add: Add eWAY as default fallback gateway #7108
- Add: Free extension list powered by remote config #6952
- Add: Add PayPal to fallback payment gateways #7001
- Add: Add a data store for WC Payments REST APIs #6918
- Add: Progressive setup checklist copy and call to action buttons. #6956
- Add: Add Paystack as fallback gateway #7025
- Add: Add Square as default fallback gateway #7107
- Add: Add COD method to default payment gateway recommendations #7057
- Add: Add BACS as default fallback payment gateway #7073
- Add: A/B test of progressive checklist features. #7089
- Add: Add payment gateway return URL and action #7095
- Add: Add Mollie to the default payment gateways. #7092
- Add: Show task and activity notifications in the Inbox panel #7017
- Add: Adding WCPay payment configuration defaults. #7097
- Add: Create onboarding package to house refactored WCPay card and relevant components #7058
- Dev: Add Jetpack Backup admin note #6738
- Dev: Reduce the specificity and complexity of the ReportError component #6846
- Dev: Converting