=== Dental Insight === Contributors: pewilliams Tags: blog, portfolio, photography, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, four-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, grid-layout, custom-colors, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, sticky-post, featured-images, flexible-header, featured-image-header, footer-widgets, full-width-template, threaded-comments, theme-options, wide-blocks, block-styles, post-formats, translation-ready, rtl-language-support Requires at least: 5.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 6.7 License: GNU General Public License v3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Dental Insight Theme is specially designed for dentists, dental practices, dental Insights, dental hygienists, medicine, providers, medical stores, orthodontists, medical facilities, lab, therapy, healing, health clinics, Sanitize sanitization, cleaning, radiography, laboratory, air purifier, doctors, hospital, pharma, dental implants, nursing, dispensary, endodontic, oral health care surgery websites and any other health and medical organization. == Description == Dental Insight Theme is specially designed for dentists, dental practices, dental Insights, dental hygienists, medicine, providers, medical stores, orthodontists, medical facilities, lab, therapy, healing, health clinics, Sanitize sanitization, cleaning, radiography, laboratory, air purifier, doctors, hospital, pharma, dental implants, nursing, dispensary, endodontic, oral health care surgery websites and any other health and medical organization. The theme’s design is flawless and eye-catching, elegant but luxurious. Showcase your work and place of work online with this modern theme. It is packed with a lot of features to help you showcase a perfect professional website. It is SEO-friendly which will index your website soon on major search engines. The responsive layout makes it mobile-friendly too so your visitors can contact easily in case of urgent need. It is also translation-ready with RTL layout support important for international patients. You can add shortcodes to further increase the functionality of your website. This expert theme is cleanly coded to provide fast page load times to your visitors. For the ease of interaction a call to action button is provided. Use social media integration and link all your social media pages to popularize your work. The testimonial section will let your visitor’s comment on your work. This theme is woocommerce compatible; this means you can use the theme for building a online store to sell medical equipments as well. Also, it is not specific to dentist anyone related to medeical field can completely customize the theme for their use. So turn your website healthy with this dental insight theme now! Demo: https://trial.ovationthemes.com/dental-insight-pro/ == Changelog == = 0.1 = -- Initial Released. = 0.2 = -- Checked theme with updated WP version 5.7.1. -- Resolved minor issues. = 0.2.1 = -- Added PRO Button. = 0.2.2 = -- Added Documentation. = 0.2.3 = -- Added theme support. -- Added align center. -- Added tags. -- Removed themes check RECOMMENDED. -- Added Post layouts. = 0.2.4 = -- Removed unwated code. = 0.2.5 = -- Added sticky header and site loader. = 0.2.6 = -- Added Documentation. -- Added condition in the sections. -- Resolved slider issue. = 0.2.7 = -- Added Typography. = 0.2.8 = -- Added Width Settings. = 0.2.9 = -- Added Scroll Top. = 3.0 = -- Added Scroll Top Alignment Option. = 3.1 = -- Added Logo Settings. -- Added Sanitization Function. -- Updated PHP Version. = 3.2 = -- Added Cart Button CSS. -- Updated Preloader Setting. = 3.3 = -- Added Shop & Product Page Settings. -- Added CSS classes. = 3.4 = -- Updated customizer section settings. -- Updated PHP version. = 3.5 = -- Added footer widget settings. = 3.6 = -- Reolved theme issue. = 3.7 = -- Updated get-started. -- Added flexible-header. = 3.8 = -- Added web-font file. -- Added rtl-language-support. -- Resolve sticky issue. -- Updated customizer settings. = 3.9 = -- Updated site description settings. -- Updated PHP version. = 4.0 = -- Added selective refresh. -- Updated header settings. = 4.1 = -- Updated fontawesome icon selection setting. -- Toggle for opening link in a new tab added. = 4.2 = -- Menu text transform setting added. -- Slider content alignment setting added. -- Responsive media css correction done. -- Footer link error resolved. = 4.3 = -- Customizer headings Added. -- Updated PHP version. -- Toggle Css Updated. = 4.4 = -- Updated Toggle Settings. -- Edited JS in custom.js. -- Changes in customizer. = 4.5 = -- Added theme button color setting. -- Added theme button radius setting. -- Added service section button setting. -- Updated logo width custom control. -- Updated show/hide site tagline settting. = 4.6 = -- Added Post Format Tag. = 4.7 = -- Added 3 columns, 4 columns tag. -- Added icon change setting in contact details. = 4.8 = -- Added slider bg color condition -- Updated social icon code. -- Added woocoomerce condition in customizer. -- Updated button border radius setting. -- Updated escaping functions. -- Updated custom-control.php file. -- Updated sidebar css. -- Fixed alignwide and alignfull classes. -- Fixed markup images css. -- Added css to response section. -- Updated navigation css. -- Resolved menu fallback issue. -- Updated tag cloud css. -- updated block buttons css. -- Upddted gallery block css. = 4.9 = -- Added featured image header tag. -- Updated flexible header tag. -- Added left sidebar layout for post. -- Added archieve products no of columns settings. -- Added archieve products No of products per page setting. -- Added related products show/hide option. -- Added related products no of columns settings. -- Added related products No of products per page setting. -- Added customizer heading. -- Added on off setting for slider section. -- Updated slider content alignment setting. -- Updated custom-logo tag. = 5.0 = -- Added breadcrumb. -- Added breadcrumb on/off setting. -- Added grid left sidebar layout. -- Added single post left sidebar layout. -- Updated post meta on/off setting for single post section. -- Updated Sidebar css. -- Added top bar on/off setting. -- Updated sticky header condition. -- Updated title tagline css. = 5.1 = -- Updated preloader condition. -- Added default custom-header image. -- Updated navigation css. = 5.2 = -- Added tags list on single post page. -- Added tag meta for post. -- Added post meta icon change setting. -- Updated post meta css. -- Added setting for archieve post layout excerpt. -- Added toggle for single post pages breadcrumb. -- Added toggle for woocommerce breadcrumb. -- Updated 404 page css. -- Added buttonset radio control. -- Updated customizer sections. = 5.3 = -- Added sortable control. -- Added setting for post order. -- Added read more button text change setting. -- Added read more button icon change setting. -- Updated read more button css. -- Added extra content code in custom-home-page.php file. -- Added custom sidebar. -- Updated notice function. -- Added theme breadcrumb seperator change setting. -- Added woocommerce breadcrumb seperator change setting. -- Added setting to change related products heading. -- Added Woocommerce sidebar layouts. -- Added instructions button in theme documentaion. -- Updated woocommerce reviews and description css. = 5.4 = -- Updated footer text setting. -- Updated slider to exclude sticky posts by default. -- Updated theme width setting. -- Added mobile media setings. -- Added slider button settings. -- Added slider excerpt setting. -- Updated gallery-post file. -- Updated woocommerce css. = 5.5 = -- resolved css bugs. -- Updated woocommerce responsive css. -- Updated footer block-widget css. -- Updated comments css. -- Added similar post block. = 5.7 = -- Added custom cusor. -- Added setting to hide header-image in theme. -- Updated preloader js. -- changed default preloader. -- Added preloader style. = 5.8 = -- Added animation. -- Did variable prefixing. = 5.9 = -- Updated footer columns setting. -- Updated fontawesome to version 6.5.1 -- Update fontawesome icon change setting. -- Updated twitter icon. -- Updated read more icon css. -- Updated post files. = 6.0 = -- Updated Archieve-product.php file to version 8.6.0. -- Updated bootstrap to version 5.3.3 -- Updated slider content alignment setting. -- Updated responsive css. -- Added slider height. = 6.1 = -- Changed theme links. = 6.2 = -- Updated sidebar css. -- Resolved sidebar scroll issue. -- Updated single post navigation css. -- Updated similar post. -- Updated blog page navigation css. -- Updated blog post css. -- Updated sticky post css. -- Added sticky post meta. -- Added setting to change sticky icon. = 6.3 = -- Added default footer widgets. -- Footer widgets css. -- Added nonce to admin.js. = 6.4 = -- Updated container theme width css. -- Added Demo and Buy Now buttons in admin notice. -- Updated admin page css. -- Updated service section. = 6.5 = -- Added demo setup. -- Added global color setting. -- Added pot file. -- Updated theme description. -- Updated customizer css. -- Updated toggle switch css. -- Added header search. = 6.6 = -- Added TGM file. = 6.7 = -- Added slider opacity setting. -- Updated notice. == Resources == Dental Insight WordPress Theme, Copyright 2022 pewilliams Dental Insight is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL Dental Insight bundles the following third-party resources: * CSS bootstrap.css Licenses: licensed under MIT License Copyright 2011-2024 Source: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE * JS bootstrap.js Licenses: licensed under MIT License Copyright 2011-2024 Source: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE * WOW JS, Copyright 2016 License: GPLv3 https://github.com/matthieua/WOW/blob/master/README.md Source: https://github.com/matthieua/WOW * Animate CSS, Copyright 2021 License: 2.1 https://github.com/animate-css/animate.css/blob/main/LICENSE Source: https://github.com/animate-css/animate.css * Webfonts Loader https://github.com/WPTT/webfont-loader License: https://github.com/WPTT/webfont-loader/blob/master/LICENSE * Font Awesome icons, Copyright Dave Gandy License: Icons: CC BY 6.5, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License. Source: http://fontawesome.io/ * TGM GaryJones Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 https://github.com/TGMPA/TGM-Plugin-Activation/blob/develop/LICENSE.md License: GNU General Public License v2.0 * Pxhere Images, License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/license Slider image, Copyright Waseem Farooq License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1445997