=== Dentistry Clinic === Contributors: pewilliams Tags: blog, portfolio, photography, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, four-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, grid-layout, custom-colors, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, sticky-post, featured-images, flexible-header, featured-image-header, footer-widgets, full-width-template, threaded-comments, theme-options, wide-blocks, block-styles, post-formats, translation-ready Requires at least: 5.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 4.0 License: GNU General Public License v3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html When it comes to choosing a WordPress theme for your dental clinic, you want to make sure you select a theme that is social media and SEO friendly, has optimized codes, and has a fast load page time. == Description == Dentistry Clinic WordPress Theme is created with dentistry clinics keeping in mind. It includes everything you need to get your clinic up and running smoothly. From online appointment scheduling to a dental database, this theme has everything you need to create a website that is user-friendly and informative. And, because we know that page speed is important to you and your users, we have made sure that our theme is optimized for fast loading. This theme is best suited for medical stores, dental health services, drug stores, excellent for a dentist, hospital, medicine, doctors, dental clinic, photography, blog, newspaper medical facilities, pediatric and overall medial websites, doctors, surgeons, Finishing & Polishing, Glass Ionomer Restoratives, responsive and can cater to medical, health care, hospital, dentists, clinics, lab, therapy, healing, pharma, nursing, dispensary and surgery websites. You can integrate health related plugins such as appointment booking, Mapping, and others. Build your dental website today! Demo: https://trial.ovationthemes.com/dentistry-clinic/ == Changelog == = 0.1 = -- Initial Released. = 1.1 = -- Added get-started. -- Updated footer link. = 1.2 = -- Updated preloader. -- Updated mobile media. = 1.3 = -- Prefixing variable. -- Added require atleast. -- Updated PHP version. = 1.4 = -- Escaping URLs. -- Resolve error. = 1.5 = -- Hover Effects Added. = 1.6 = -- Slider content alignment setting added. -- Slider section id error resolved. -- Footer link error resolved. = 1.7 = -- Customizer heading added. -- updated PHP version. -- Css updated. = 1.8 = -- Updated Toggle Settings. -- Edited JS in custom.js. -- Changes in customizer. = 1.9 = -- Added theme button color setting. -- Added theme button radius setting. -- Added service section button setting. -- Updated logo width custom control. -- Updated show/hide site tagline settting. = 2.0 = -- Added post format tag. = 2.1 = -- Added 3 columns, 4 columns tag. = 2.2 = -- Added slider bg color setting. = 2.3 = -- Updated slider content-alignmemnt setting. -- Added on/off setting for slider. -- Updated button setting. -- Updated custom-log tag. -- Updated flexible-header tag. = 2.4 = -- Added breadcrumb css. = 2.5 = -- Updated navigation css. = 2.6 = -- Updated post meta css. = 2.7 = -- Updated read more button css. -- Added extra content code in custom-home-page.php file. -- Added instructions button in theme documentaion. = 2.8 = -- Updated footer text setting. -- Updated slider to exclude sticky posts by default. -- Added slider button settings. -- Added slider excerpt setting. -- Updated woocommerce css. = 2.9 = -- Updated comments css. -- Updated Responsive navigation css. = 3.0 = -- Added custom cusor. -- Added setting to hide header-image in theme. = 3.1 = -- changed default preloader. -- Added preloader style. = 3.2 = -- Added animation. -- Did variable prefixing. = 3.3 = -- Changed sticky post border color. = 3.4 = -- Updated slider content alignment setting. -- Updated responsive css. = 3.5 = -- Changed theme links. = 3.6 = -- Updated sidebar css. -- Updated single post navigation css. -- Updated blog page navigation css. -- Updated blog post css. = 3.7 = -- Footer widgets css. = 3.8 = -- Updated service section. = 3.9 = -- Added demo setup. -- Added global color setting. -- Updated theme description. -- Updated customizer css. = 4.0 = -- Added slider opacity setting. Theme Changes. 1. Added new theme colors. 2. Changed slider styling. 3. Added new post section with diferent styling. == Resources == Dentistry Clinic WordPress Theme is child theme of Dental Insight WordPress Theme, Copyright 2022 pewilliams Dental Insight WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL Dentistry Clinic is a child theme of Dental Insight and as such uses the same opensource projects as its parent theme. Dentistry Clinic bundles the following third-party resources: * Pxhere Images, License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/license Screenshot image Copyright Danka & Peter License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1446753