=== Site Offline or Coming Soon === Contributors: wpecommerce Donate link: https://wp-ecommerce.net/ Tags: coming soon, site is down, maintenance, maintenance mode, offline, google, post, page, admin, aweber, mailchimp, administration, construction, mode, unavailable, coming soon page, under construction, login, landing page, launch, launch page, newsletter Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 1.6.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Make safe changes to your site by enabling site offline mode == Description == Use this plugin to enable/disable site offline mode. If Site offline Mode is enabled regular visitors of your site will see a maintenance mode page while you as an admin can make changes to your site. A very useful plugin for users who want to display a "coming soon" page before their websites go live or run maintenance work by taking it offline. = Site Offline Plugin Features = * Easily activate maintenance mode for your website. * Display customized message to visitors while your site is undergoing normal/scheduled maintenance. * Perform maintenance work on the back-end and front-end while logged in as an administrator. * Admin dashboard notice. This allows the admin to easily notice when the site is in maintenance mode. * The login screen will show a "site offline" message when you keep the site in offline mode. * Responsive coming soon/site offline page = Site Offline Plugin Usage = Once you have installed the plugin you can enable "offline/maintenance mode" in the plugin setttings (go to `Settings->Site Offline Mode` from your WordPress Dashboard). **a)** Site Offline Plugin Options This section contains a textarea which allows you to customize the page that your visitors will see when your site is offline. You can customize the message as well as the look and feel of the page. For more advanced features be sure to check out our premium version of the plugin, WordPress Site offline/Coming Soon Plugin = Site offline/Coming Soon Premium = * Responsive maintenance page * Social icons to link to your profiles (Example: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn) * Subscribe users to your MailChimp list * Automatic countdown to show your users when the site will be up * Customizable background (change colour/image) * Customize the page title and header * Display a login form so users can sign in with their WordPress account credentials * Ability to set HTTP 503 error in the header. This will tell search engine crawlers that the site is undergoing maintenance and the downtime is temporary * Google Analytics integration * Display your own logo and header image * Create a gallery of images which will automatically slide in the background * Easily add HTML content to your coming soon page Check out the [coming soon pro plugin](https://wp-ecommerce.net/wordpress-coming-soon-plugin) == Installation == 1. Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress admin area 1. Click the upload tab 1. Browse for the plugin file (site-is-offline-plugin.zip) 1. Click Install Now and then activate the plugin == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can this plugin be used to perform maintenance work on my website in real time? = Yes. == Screenshots == 1. Site offline Plugin settings == Changelog == = 1.6.6 = * Coming soon plugin is now compatible with WordPress 4.4. = 1.6.5 = * Coming soon plugin is now compatible with WordPress 4.3. = 1.6.4 = * Updated the site offline check logic to be more robust. = 1.6.3 = * Added an admin dashboard notice for when the site offline/maintenance mode is enabled. * Fixed some minor HTML errors in the admin interface. * Separated the site offline enable/disable button section in the admin interface. * Added the messsage "The Site is Currently in Offline Mode" to the admin login screen (when the feature is enabled). * Added an option to reset the site offline message box content to default. * Updated the default message for when the maintenance mode feature is enabled. = 1.6.2 = * Plugin now sends the correct header status when a website is in maintenance mode = 1.6.1 = * Plugin is now compatible with WordPress 3.7 = 1.6 = * Plugin is now compatible with WordPress 3.6 == Upgrade Notice == None