Sanderson Family Online
Sanderson Family Online
Welcome to the Sanderson Family Online website. This website is for family members to help them keep track of one another and share, photos, movies and family stories.
The family directory includes addresses, telephone numbers and other relevant information and is kept current as new information is provided. Individual family members are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of this information.
The photos and color slides draw heavily on the photographic work of L. Devon, who was an avid photographer. The stories are recollections prepared by family members for the family reunion held in 2008. Movies and slide shows from that reunion are also included.
C. Devon Sanderson
L. Devon and Beth Hansen Sanderson Family Website
Photos: Top left, L. Devon and Beth Hansen Sanderson, 1969. Lower left, Sanderson Family, 1960. Top right, Sanderson Family Reunion, Salt Lake City, UT, 2008.